Wow has today been a long day! and as I see and know it has been a while since I have updated this thing! James and I are ever still in school with James' light at the end of the tunnel growing ever brighter and mine, well, still quite black. James is more than full time and busy as ever but after next semester, he will be a UVU Bachelor Graduate! We will be having a party, I'm sure! Jerusha and Mallorie are adorable as ever!!! Jerusha never ceases to amaze us with her vocabulary and charm. She is almost officially potty trained and loves her big girl panties! She is going to be a kitty cat for Halloween (pictures to come) and is so excited for it! Mallorie is crawling and trying to stand on her own, that's a work in progress! She is so smily and has to be where Jerusha is, especially if it is my lap. For those who didn't know, we are gaining an addition to our family in April sometime (officially on the 21st but who knows, right?). We are hoping for a girl mostly because of all the girl clothes we have but a little boy would be welcomed to all the drama that the girls provide! Forward press forward! We love our little family!
Thanks and Giving
9 years ago
wow! congrats Karen, that's so awesome! that would be cute to have another girl, james seems great with his girls, I bet both of you're are daddys girls uh? I love your adorable family!
Congratulations on a new addition to your sweet family.
Aunt Julie and Uncle Frank
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